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2023 AIBB National Business Broker of the Year Finalist
2022 AIBB Specialist Business Broker of the Year (QLD)

Video Library

Welcome to Infinity Business Brokers – Australia’s Leading RTO Sales Brokerage Firm

Welcome New Buyers! We are here to assist you!

My Sales Philosophy: What I Live By

Buying a RTO – Part 1

Buying a RTO – Part 2

What we do for our Vendors!

How do we Value a RTO?

What Factors affect the Valuation of a RTO?

All Things Legal When Buying or Selling a RTO!

Can I get Funding to purchase a RTO?

What makes a good RTO Lawyer?

When should my solicitor be involved in a RTO sale?

How quickly can I own a RTO with Legal Compliance?

Collaboration to a Yes in a RTO Transaction. When Should We Have a Solicitor Round Table?

What can go wrong when buying or selling a RTO?

What is the best structure to purchase a RTO?

How does State funding affect the RTO sale?

Is CRICOS Registration Valuable?

How management affects the value.

What operational factors are important in a RTO?

What scope of registration does to RTO value.

Work in progress in a RTO valuation.

How are Resources and Assets valued in a RTO?

What is customer spread in a RTO valuation?

Why is a RTO a non-depreciating asset?

RTO Compliance and How to Prepare for Sale

Questions to Ask a RTO Vendor

Is It Better to Buy a RTO or Build from Scratch?

How We Do Business in Infinity Business Brokers

How we value a RTO – Part 1

How we value a RTO – Part 2

How we value a RTO – Part 3

RTO Financial Readiness

Market Update Relevant to Your Sale

RTO Market Update: What This Means To You!

Recent ASQA Changes – What You Need to Know

Mistakes Vendors Make – Treating their RTO as an ATM Machine

Mistakes Vendors Make – Poor Financial Documentation

Mistakes Vendors Make – Over Reliance on Key Personnel

Mistakes Vendors Make – Poor Compliance Planning

RTO Valuations & Infinity Business Brokers – Australia’s leading Specialists in RTO Valuations.

Infinity Business Brokers & RTO Valuations – A VENDORS SURPISE! 

JULY 2024 Education and RTO Market Update

Mythbuster Series. Ep. 1 – Brokers only care about their Commissions

Mythbuster Series. Ep. 2 – Business brokers are just middlemen


2021 – AIBB Accredited Brokerages

Infinity Business Brokers has achieved a 5-Star Accredited Brokerage rating with the Australian Institute of Business Brokers.