Getting Sale Ready

2023 AIBB National Business Broker of the Year Finalist
2022 AIBB Specialist Business Broker of the Year (QLD)

Started to think about selling your RTO or Training Business? So what’s next?
It is absolutely critical you position your RTO for sale correctly.
We are No.1 for RTO and Training Business sales. Why? Because we operate and specialise exclusively in that sector.
Our staff are industry renowned for their RTO knowledge and ability to prepare businesses for a sale at true market value.

I’m Ready To Sell What we do for you

Value My Business

Getting Sale Ready

At every stage of your business journey you should know the value of your asset. When it comes to the all important valuation we understand the metrics of RTOs and utilise a cutting-edge, 19-point criteria, designed by the team at Infinity, specifically for RTOs and Training Business’s. Even if you are not looking to sell in the next 6 months, an accurate valuation will help you strategically plan the next phase/s of your business. Organisations that are sale ready ALL THE TIME are the ones that achieve the best price in the smartest timeframe. To receive a FREE valuation of your RTO and suggestions for increasing the sale price of your RTO contact us. Get FREE Valuation


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